I have just had a call from Dogslife, the Labrador veterinary research programme who are interested in Limber Tail syndrome which affects active...
Microchips are fine for positively identifying an animal but only vets, dog wardens, police have electronic devices capable of reading the chip. I...
I found a middle-aged friendly Cocker Spaniel, sniffing around my front garden this morning obviously looking for Benson. We had not seen this...
I think us humans tend to read something like Rice and Chicken on a bag of dog food and think that it is a meal prepared by Gordon Ramsey. The...
Vacuum cleaners and garden hoses!
I second all the advice; don't touch with the proverbial bargepole if the bitch does not have good hip and elbow scores. There's plenty more fish...
It seems to me that you have 2 choices either you say nothing and accept that the dog will have a shortened lifespan and be crippled with...
It may help if I outline my own experience in buying a Labrador and why I fully support the views of the Editor and others on responsible...
left behind items on their flights... I can see this going horribly wrong when the dog cocks his leg on someone's suitcase?...
There seems to be a huge leap forward in the recent diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases which now mirror human medicine. I care for my...
If we think it is bad in UK try France they are light years behind us! I cannot speak for the cities but in the countryside no one gives a toot!...
Success it was a tick in the wrong box!! Thanks for all the help.
Thanks. I checked the settings of my browser and because I use Google Chrome it looks as if I am stuck with the US spell check!
Colour, realise , centre, theatre, programme. Sent from my laptop all are underlined in red indicating a misspell. It is strange because the...
Anyway we can turn off the American spellchecker?
There has been a recent spate of letters in the media on this subject and I wondered whether there is a solution to this problem? I always carry a...
As an aside the thorough Germanic approach does not surprise me! When I lived in Germany at the end of the 70's the Germans had a rule for...
4 years ago I was faced with the identical situation as the owner of a 13 year old, arthritic male black Labrador when we decided to buy a 8 week...
For many reasons.Including that proper supervision of dogs is an entirely effective way to prevent pregnancy. And that anyone who cares enough...
Hi Wenzies. Piriton is a prescription drug so unless you have a supply they maybe difficult to come by. British National Formulary (BNF)...