Re: What we always knew .... Single malt or a blend? I read somewhere that ice spoils the flavour of whisky but when you are that relaxed, who...
Re: Dew Claws Thanks for the comments. As I understand it the dew claw is a redundant prehensile thumb which does not come into contact with the...
Benson has dew claws on his front legs and recently for no apparent reason he attacks both sides as if he is trying to remove them. On inspection...
After all the barbaric acts in Africa and The Middle East based on religious ideology a film like this...
Re: Goodbye muddy paws. Can you visualise using a poopy scoop on plastic grass? Roger
I cannot believe what I have just read in my Telegraph! "Hundreds of dog-owners in Britain's wettest city have taken advantage of the country's...
Labradors like water, I am thinking of training Benson to do a few tricks? Roger
Re: Success at last! To be honest, I think he was given recognition because of his bilingual skills and not for appearance! Roger
Benson is this month's featured Labrador in the Dogslife research programme. What more can man/dog want? Roger
Re: Updated: should you have a litter from your bitch An excellent an informative article with invaluable advice. Thank you! Roger
Re: Why Wasn't I Warned! I think it is all a question of breeding. The better your pedigree the less likely you are to have the problem. OK I...
Re: Buster has elbow displaysia I am very sorry to hear of Buster's problems and hope that he is soon on the road to a good recovery. Dysplasia...
I don't think Benson would behave like this! Roger
You can tell that I have time on my hands because I have just flicked through a magazine selling solutions to all sorts of domestic problems; 2...
Re: A very sad announcement . Sad news indeed. Condolences to family and friends. Roger
Re: Dogslife It is not a problem but you need 2 people. One to lift his lip/ear and the other to take the photograph which is bound to contain...
I suspect many of you may already support the research project Dogslife which is a web-based epidemiological study carried out in collaboration...
We have just returned from an excellent lunch at our favourite restaurant having left Benson locked up at home. When we were about 500 metres from...
Re: Vivre la differance. Benson est en vacances! My neighbour with the donkey has attached a cow bell to his garden gate so that it warns him...
Benson is 4 today and is on holiday with us in France. We decamped 6 weeks ago to our house in France for a 2 months sojourn. Sounds rather grand...