So sad to hear about little Misty. What a great home she has with you though, a very lucky little girl. RIP beautiful girl.
So very very sorry to hear the shocking news Marie. Sending love and hugs to you. Run free at Rainbow Bridge Ziva. xx
So sorry for your loss. Rest easy Freyja. xx
Thanks Julie. Will take a look at it later.
Hi thanks for the replies. I'm torn between another heavier pen and a crate because I would be using it to keep him in for a few hours. What sort...
The great escape continues! Casualty so far has been my fabric camping chair which has had the net drinks holder removed and an arm taken! Worktop...
Milo has had a puppy pen from birth and has always settled in it quite happily. A couple of weeks ago he managed to get hold of a fat tray that...
Hi Sarah glad to see you have got lots of replies to your post. Milo used to just lie down and watch other dogs a lot when he was younger. This...
So very sorry to hear the tragic news. Rest in Peace Kes. Hugs xx
Absolutely gorgeous! Twiglet is a little star and all the other dogs are marvels. They are the lifeline for their owners and do so well. x
I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved girl. You did the right thing and the only thing you could do for her. She was clearly...
Sorry not advice but just to say hope you come to a decision. How do you know when a dog's growth plates have closed?
I love plucking bits off Milo! He just lies there and lets me do it. Trouble is if he is on the sofa with me I tend to lay it on the arm then if...
Just had the dogalogue guide dog catalogue through my letter box and was delighted to spot Gypsy on April of the puppy calendar. I always buy one...
Milo loves running away with things. He has been known to steal a kitchen knife and chew the plastic handle! If my OH is gardening or doing diy...
I wish I'd concentrated more on heel work off the lead in the garden when Milo was a young puppy and persisted more with loose lead walking. Don't...
My daughter who is 21 has been at uni but came home about two months ago. Milo hasn't seen that much of her in the past year so we weren't...
So sorry to learn about Scooby. Sounds like he had a fantastic time with you and was well loved. Run free boy.
Beautiful photos of two stunning girls. Always get a guide dog calendar so it will be extra special knowing it has Gypsy on. Trouble is I want the...
So sorry to read your tragic news. A beautiful boy taken far far too young. Thinking of you.