I just felt like it was going so good walking and then suddenly she started to try walk with the leash in her mouth, I always stop and she drops...
She don't chew it, just want it in the mouth.. Which I'm happy about in one way :p
I don't know how to ask this in the way I want, but is it normal for the puppies to start jump for the lead and that they want to keep it in the...
Welcome to the forum from Millie and I , Pa USA ;)
Millie did the same thing, she got too overtired so I shortened the walks and when we got home from the walk in the evening I gave her a frozen...
Hello! First time dog owner over here too, Millie is 4 months old now :) times goes fast and they grow big really fast (way too fast in my opinion...
Aw what a good boy, I think you should try! I know how that proud feeling feels, such nice feeling and it goes right in to the heart into this...
I don't really got any advice, you got some good advice already above :) I just wanted to say hi! Where are you from? I saw you say pounds so I...
Oh so nice to hear I am not alone with this obsession about stones! Our driveway has half big stones and Millie can't let them be. Stones and...
Hi Juliet, yes I'm trying very hard for my 2 year old to not tease Millie ( she only do it once in a while when she's over tired or jealous)....
I don't really got any biting problems at home. Just when my daughter runs around with Millie's favorite toy above her head teasing her (sigh). My...
Did he walk in any kind of steps before? If not you could start off with trying out some short stair to build up confidence with it (just...
I just wanted to pop in and say hello from Millie 4months and I . I'm sure you will have moments when you wonder what u got yourself into,...
I use a retractable lead, but I always pull it out to the point I want it and then put in the "brake" It helps me a lot when walking with the...
if your pup now has gotten used to going in the crate, did you try to change out to something different what u put in for him to lay on inside the...
I love puppies, Millie is already 30 pounds at 17 weeks ;( growing too fast. I hope you take tons of photos since this small period is so short, I...
Hello and welcome from Millie and I, when we brought home Millie I put her crate in the living room and it been there since. I always have the...
So beautiful dog. I got a halti that I got for a pitbull I took in while the owner was looking for a permanent home for him in February. It worked...
I been distracting Millie after she wakes up and give her an apple piece or some kibble depending on the time. She loves when I throw kibble all...
I just did mail this resort/boarding/training place which is just 5minutes away from us with a car asking her if she gonna hold any obidience...