So pleased she's better. :)
My eldest one has this too in patches all over. He's moulting at the moment so I put it down to dead hair/undercoat. Youngest one doesn't seem to...
Hi and welcome from me and my two black Labs.
Oh I really feel for you! What a heartbreaking decision to have to make for one so young. My personal thoughts, are to PTS sooner rather than...
Hi and welcome from me and my two.
How is she? Have you seen the vet yet?
I really feel for you, been there too many times myself. She will always be there in your heart. x
Brilliant news!
The leg trembling is a little concerning along with the other symptoms. I would be going back to the vet with some videos to show what's...
Good to hear she's a little better.
So sorry you've had to let her go. I can only imagine how devastated you are feeling. Thinking of you.
Hi and welcome, from me and my two labs. Love Red Setters! I previously had an English Pointer who's best mate was Reggie, a beautiful Red...
Have to agree with the others...Soft poo normally = too much food. If it gets worse / more liquid / pooing more often than normal / signs of...
I've always had multiple dogs, usually with a 3-4yr age gap and usually all males. At the moment I have a nearly 9yr old and an 18mth old Lab,...
We intended to crate train Ash when he first arrived. It didn't work. He much prefered to be sharing our other Lab's bed.
Hi and welcome from me and my two, Lucan nearly 9yrs old and Ash 18mths. Leela sounds lovely. She'll soon outgrow the mouthing...
Hi and welcome from me and my two, Lucan nearly 9yrs old and Ash 18mths. Have fun with your pup, they don't stay little very long. :)
Hi and welcome from me and my two. :)
Happy Birthday Coco. x