Caddie my seasoned little gundog with a mouth still as soft as butter. :) [MEDIA]
Having been in a head on collision that wrote off my Defender I wouldn't have anything other than a dog box like the TransK9 for my dogs. The dogs...
I have a roomba but only use it upstairs on the landing and in the bedrooms. It does manage to get itself stuck quite often. I once found it...
Not just a spaniel but a Jedi Clumber. :D
The first and the last are not release cues. "yes" is your marker word, so not a cue, even though it might mean the end of the exercise. "back" is...
I have five spaniels and one whistle. They are all trained to recall to the same cue. It is important though to train the two pups separately for...
Yes, it should be. I must update my pic. Amy, spaniel no. 5, never takes her eyes off me. She is worse than the others. :):p
So true!! You only have to look at my avatar pic to see four pairs of eyes staring at me longingly because I always have treats in my pockets. :D
The work is never done! ;) Training, a spaniel in particular, is an ongoing thing all through his or her life. I posted a little clip of my 9 year...
If she is coming into season then that could well be the reason for her behaviour becoming a bit erratic.
Have fun with the course. :)
Can you keep her on a long line trailing on the ground to prevent her running off to greet other dogs? I'm not a fan of flexi leads at all. Also 8...
Hello and welcome. I'm also in the South West, Exmoor to be precise. :)
Kate, I think you will be wasting your time writing to the Kennel Club. They wouldn't do a thing but will carry on registering puppies even though...
Have a look at the KC jregs for retriever field trials, Fiona. It says the dog is required to remain steady by the the side of the handler when...
No, not necessarily. She could be on a retrieve when there are all sorts of distractions, loose birds and shot for example, that shouldn't stop...
I understand what you are trying to achieve - steadiness to shot - but be careful that shot doesn't become a cue to sit for her. Drop to shot is...
Hello and welcome. I also don't have a lab but five spaniels instead.
I'm really sorry to read this, Lisa. My solution to the problem would be just not to ask your friends to walk him. Drop in and feed him and let...
With five spaniels I have to colour my hair on a regular basis. :D