Come on guys, let's not fall out over this, please. Yes, certain things can be done, but it is a very, very long haul with not just training but...
In theory every behaviour is modifiable but that is much easier said than done in reality. A dog that is hard wired to hunt with a certain history...
The sight of any of my dogs straight lining it away from me like that would strike terror in my heart, Helen. :eek: Lara, it is very difficult for...
I never did any training with my girls when they were in season. Mentally they were just too erratic to do any constructive training, even though...
Vet wrap is fabulous and I always have it in my first aid kit. Have even used it on my OH when the bandage on his broken ankle came loose earlier...
Charlie, I remember when I first started reading about your adventures when your mum first joined the forum five years ago almost to the day. You...
Hi and welcome to the forum. That doesn't sound ideal and could potentially be very dangerous depending on the kind of mushrooms. But it is not a...
Hi Bethany, and welcome to the forum. Pleased to see you have followed the book recommendations. ;):) Best of luck with your Clumber puppy....
Hello and welcome! I'm also in Somerset. :)
I have the one from Millers Forge with the red handles (not the orange) and they are ace. Available from Amazon.
I don't think neutering your dog will make him any less energetic. I have a neutered cocker spaniel who has unbelievable stamina and will run and...
I would give your new trainer a bit of time to explain her own training ideas and show you her techniques. LAT is just one trainer's concept, just...
I don't really understand your second point. What is it your trainer would like you to do with regards to sit/stay?
Guten Tag from me, a German living in the UK, and my five bilingual spaniels. :)
This was the start of a lot of serious problems for me and my first gundog.:eek::eek: Same trainer, same woodland possibly. ;) It took me forever...
Start in a very low distraction environment, a corridor inside your house is ideal, so the only fun thing is you and the ball (never a stick,...
There is a golden doodle working in the beating line on our shoot. She is not very big so I presume a medium poodle rather than a standard poodle...
Well you asked the question - yes or no. From me it is a resounding no. In fact I think it is highly unethical. The two top priorities when...
Very nicely done! The only thing I would have done differently is to walk him back to the original spot you asked him to sit and sent him from...
I think I would have her checked over by your vet, maybe run a blood test. A four year old dog should be at the peak of vitality.