Re: Getting dogs fit Barbara, Unsure where you live, but Karen is absolutely right about water work for strength and stamina. If you are...
Re: Getting dogs fit There are many definitions of fitness. For some it is the speed of recovery and it doesn’t matter if they are puffed out so...
Re: I fixed the pantry door !! How does that saying go??? Silence is Golden.....Unless you have toddlers or Labs ::) ;) ;) My toddlers well and...
Re: Crazy evening hour???? Finley here too. It is always around the 9 O'clock time. We are fortunate that his pal Ruby is here to take the brunt...
Re: Microchipping - is your dog chipped? Compulsory here. All my dogs (bar Ruby) have been rescue dogs and the RSPCA and Labrador rescue insist...
Re: Leather collar and matching leads [img] Ruby on the left is modelling the Forest Green with Salmon Pink backing 1" collar. One like this...
Re: Leather collar and matching leads Just to add to the agony of selection. As I can’t add a link, google "Ann Rees" she can make whatever you...
Re: Just a bit on nonsense ;D Love the poem Kate but stealthily creeping doesn't seem to describe a Labrador. ;) :-*
Re: When oh when will she calm down My reprobate; Finley, is nearly two now and is exactly as all the rest above. :'( The only consolation for...
Re: Woof! Clearly haven't got the hang of inserting a quote. ::)
Re: Woof!
Re: Hello from another newbie Hi Shelly and Gracie from Me and my reprobate Choc Finley. This forum has certainly saved my sanity and Finley’s...
Re: Jakes trail of destruction My Choc boy - Aquired at 20 months was and still is a chewer. He is around the 22 month age now and thought soon...
No or low distraction recall training is going well and we are starting to wean off the treats now. ;) Good, fast, higher distraction and change...
Re: Back biting Many thanks. He doesn't do this to any other dog he meets, just bounds all over them knocking them over at times. ::) I don't...
Re: The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein Just read this.. Good read. If you google the book "The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein...
Re: Bad breath Before we had Finley, our older dog developed really bad breath and we CURED this using a seaweed supplement we got from our food...
Re: Long Cuff ergo has a good idea in the recipe section of the forum. Simply smash some dog biscuits add some paste and water and freeze
Finley and Ruby play really well together and is a joy to watch. Lately Finley has been mounting Ruby; wrong way round, ::) and biting her back...
Re: Walk or not? Why is it Labz go crazy for water of any description; rivers, puddles, ditches and mine love the overflow pipes that flow into...