Re: Meet my Hooligan Hopefully I have followed the instructions correctly and here are Finley and Ruby. [img][/url] image by michaelhammond1, on...
Re: Meet my Hooligan Thanks for the welcome guys, Finley's previous owner had two young children and I think she was a single Mum or Dad worked...
Re: Meet my Hooligan Here goes;- We have had dogs for quite a few years now and have been fortunate to have long livers. Our last dog was a GSD x...
Hi guys, I have gone about this forum lark in slightly the wrong way. :-[ I have posted a topic for advice without first introducing myself....
Re: Very runny pooh after bones - sorry disgusting post All my dogs have been avid Nylabone users, with no ill effects to teeth or insides. Just...
Re: How much can my Lab learn at once? Right back at you Julie. Many thanks :)
Re: How much can my Lab learn at once? Ladies, Thank you for your encouragement and well wishes. :D If I could continue on this subject, Finley...
I am quite new to Labs and have just taken on a 20 month old chocolate hooligan boy :-\. The only commands he seems to get these days is No!!,...