Poor thing! Hope his pads heal up quickly. He does look so cute in his little boots though ☺️
What a difficult thing to do, truly heartbreaking to have to make that decision. I remember it well when I had to say goodbye to my 9 1/2 yr old...
Haha, please someone invent this, we NEED this!
Hahaha! That was great!
Thank you all! He makes me laugh every day and is such a joy to have around . He's really turning into such a sweet, cuddly teddy bear... but also...
Myles is 9 months today :). Despite looking so big boy and mature in these pictures, he is still such a goofy baby. Love this sweet boy!! [IMG]...
I completely agree with the cardboard boxes. Myles is 9 months and I still let him go at it with a box to get out some energy. It's hilarious to...
Newlabpup Hi and welcome! There is so much great advice on this forum, and especially on this thread. If you scan through the posts here you will...
My heart goes out to you both. I hope and pray it's a short flare-up and she's feeling better soon. I know it's so hard for you to see her in...
I agree with the others. I started putting Myles in my bathroom which is just a few feet from my bed, since he was 4 months old. He just likes to...
Oh I'm so very sorry to hear this :( let us know what the vet says.
That's funny :). Same thing happened in my neighborhood. Neighbor down the street is in front yard, "Excuse me, just wanted to ask you as I see...
Small world! I'm an Aggie . (Now we really may confuse people across the pond ;) )
Yes that is my reality here in the suburbs in Texas, off lead has to be something I almost sneak in. So he has to be able to sniff on lead. Your...
I'm late to say hello, but welcome from Myles (9 month old chocolate male) and me. We are also in the US (Texas). Myles is an English lab as well...
Thank you for the feedback everyone. I've been doing a combination of some of these things, I think. But not consistently. Most of our walk I hold...
I worried about this a lot when Myles was a baby, I thought nothing motivated him and I really worried about whether or not he was enjoying life....
So Myles is a pretty good loose leash walker, I still do stops and not moving forward when he does put tension on the leash moving forward. But my...
"Oh he's so cute, he's obviously a mix of some sort." Multiple people have thought Myles was a mix. In the US, field labs are far more common and...
It's troubling when they act out of character isn't it? Others will have better advice about what to do, but I would say either it hurts him or it...