I may be opposite of a lot of people. Myles (6 months) is in a crate during the day when I am at work (pet sitter comes twice for 1 hr each). But...
That was so random and hilarious! It makes me laugh because not only do I say No with zero effectiveness, but I will add extra commentary and...
MM, he LOVES tug. I actually trained fetch by using tug. I couldn't get him interested in just going to fetch a ball, but I got a great rope toy...
Thanks for the replies. Myles is a fun, sweet goofy boy and it certainly isn't my intention to get this out of him. Off lead options have been...
This is motivating! I've had similar issues with Myles... frothing at the mouth, excessive drooling. He did this without ever getting sick, until...
Feeling defeated and realizing I truly have so far to go with Myles (6 months). Apologize for how long this is about to be! When I first got him...
Everyone is making me laugh with the poo walk talk. Didn't realize this was a thing, but Myles does a poo pull and I get all annoyed that he's...
Oh my goodness, that was so hard to read! So glad Shadow is ok! Heart in mouth moment for sure.
Tess is adorable! Gosh from your behavior description and her picture, she and Myles could be siblings. He is 6 months and we have a long way to...
I love this thread Julie! Been trying a lot of these things with Myles. Even if not on restriction, great ideas for indoor things when it's just...
Oh I do hope Charlie's recent worries are only temporary for you both. I agree with the others that he has amazing caretakers that put thought and...
Thanks everyone! I will make a few modifications and give him a chance to get used to it :). He sure was enjoying himself ;).
Just a bit! ;)
Lisa, I could have written your post word for word. Same issues with Myles (6 month chocolate). I don't have it worked out yet but just wanted you...
Dexter, his limp hasn't ever seemed to make him appear in distress, I still have to kind of look for it. After this I do think it became a bit...
Well this didn't really go as I had planned. Been feeling bad for Myles have been on somewhat restricted exercise on account of his "growing...
AI is very common among good breeders in US. Myles came this way. Seems a good thing to have more options to match up with other breeders with...
If I go to page 20, the option to go further is greyed out. If I type in 21 in the page counter, it will still only go to page 20. I never get an...
Very helpful Julie! Thank you!
Pilatelover, oh I'm do sorry to hear about Mabel's ED. I think neurotic owner is well earned after such a thing. Hope she's doing well. JulieT,...