Oh no! So sorry to hear your news @Lorraine Seale . Will be thinking of you tomorrow and sending very best wishes for a good, positive outcome xx
I think the exercise area is usually close to the pet friendly cabins or kennels on board as they don't want dogs strolling all over the ferry. It...
As the owner of a dog with ED I would go to the vet if after 48hrs there is still a sign of a limp. Dogs do not limp without a reason whether it...
In your dreams :p:p:D:D so be prepared
@charlie I'm working with 2 young Vizslas at the moment (different clients) and I'm a huge fan :) . Today's pup has stolen my heart and he's only...
Wow!! I'm simply amazed at how many people don't wash their dog's bowl on at least a daily basis. Jen's food bowl is washed in hot soapy water...
First step is prevent your girl chasing the cats :) and reward her for not chasing -keep her on a house lead around the cats if necessary. I'm not...
I'm like @edzbird and don't leave chews to keep dogs amused, even Kong's. Kongs are not indestructible and I wouldn't take the risk with a dog...
@Emily Tollers are a lovely breed but you may need to get used to the 'Toller scream' when they are excited :) . I have friends with a beautiful...
I've been researching breeders for nearly a year now :) Next pup may be a Lab but then again possibly not :confused:, but it will be a girl :) ....
@Bernie In early training sessions I toss a treat to the floor out of reach of the dog to get ygem to move out of position so that I can ask for...
@Vicci If he doesn't like your friend so be it. There's no reason why he should just because it's a friend of yours. If he is uncomfortable with...
Unfortunately many, many dog owners have no idea what being a 'positive' trainer and only offering 'positive' training means.
Had to laugh at that @Lara :) . There's enough debate in some circles as to what you should use 'stay and 'wait' for - it really doesn't matter,...
Lovely boy but please get rid of the check/choke chain and use a flat collar :(
Why not just give her a ring and explain how this incident has upset you? At least it gives her an opportunity to respond.
One of the first things I give to clients is a form 'Your dog's dictionary' for them to gradually complete as behaviours are trained and cues...
It's exactly for this reason that I have no interest in running classes. If the trainer offers R+ training classes and you have someone who does...
The witching hour is so very common in puppies - the only difference between individual pups is the time it starts :). You can initiate some...
Hi @Stephanie Malcolm although much of what you describe are basic training issues but there are also other behaviours which you really need a...