Update: been to the vet. She thinks it’s a reaction to an insect bite or prickles from a plant. Not worried it’s cancer - thankfully!!! - said...
@SwampDonkey I am so very sorry for your loss of your darling Moo. I am thinking of you and sending you much love. It has been such a difficult...
Sounds awful. Can’t you form a small group of 6 nice dogs that you meet regularly? And find a trainer to work with you 1 on 1 and who has all...
Thinking of you. Such a difficult time for you all.
When Snowie was a puppy we went at least three times a day to our local park where people brought their dogs to play. He loved it. It was a savior...
So sorry. Awful feeling nauseas. Can she take anti nausea medication? I’m sure she is very reassured having you with her.
Thanks SO much for your reassuring response. I have to confess I eventually caved in and googled it and allergy also came up. The bumps seem to...
Make her evening meal a much bigger one? Keep her full for longer. Then breakfast can be smaller. And also a bedtime snack. This is what we did...
Yesterday afternoon in the sunlight I noticed Snowie’s nose looked odd. Felt his nose and he has four small bumps - 4 together on the bridge/boney...
So sorry to hear. Maybe some mashed carrots with butter? The butter might make it nice and slippery for her throat, and carrots are good for...
I wouldn’t be worried. He’d have to consume lots and lots. And even then, his enzymes wouldn’t be able to break down the leaves - they’d come out...
Sorry you’re having difficulties. Did your vet test his stool for worms? I ask cos when my boy lost weight it turned out he had tapeworm. Treated...
Good luck!! I see lots of tasty treats in this cat’s future!
I’d be interesting to know if purebred littermates usually look alike. Have you seen the parents? My sister has a brother and sister whose mother...
Can you see what she’s doing in there? We recently had a rat (or rats!) under our stairs (a cupboard) that chewed the kelims that were stored...
I don’t know the brand, but I know that not all premixed raw foods are balanced or optimal blends. Some use a lot of ground bone or too much veg...
What raw food are you feeding? Is it balanced? Extra fat can be good for the coat. Butter, lard, salmon oil - animal fats are best for dogs, more...
When Snowie had his eye sewn shut when he damaged his cornea, the vet taped up his paw to prevent the dew claw from catching the stitches. It...
When my boy had kennel cough, my vet also administered antibiotics. She said it doesn’t treat kennel cough, but it can help quicken the recovery...
Word of warning: keep your face away from the anal glands! When Snowie’s were problematic and I was gently massaging the area, one gland suddenly...