Finally was able to pick up my Labrador puppy at just a couple days shy of 10 weeks. She came create trained, which works great, and with all her...
There's a good instructional DVD puppy training video by Bill Hillmann called "The Art and Science of Raising a Puppy" Check it out....
Breeder is having me use Eukanuba large breed puppy kibble then to the breed specific Labrador Retriever adult type Eukanuba makes. Also, they...
Breeder is AKC certified facility in Walnut Grove, California and about 45 minuet drive from my place in Sacramento. They train Trial and gun...
Mine will be born around first of May and am leaving her at breeder/trainer for an extra week and a half or so she'll get her third puppy shot...
The labs I've had were relatively quiet. However, when someone was around they didn't like their bark and growl was pretty loud and deep. Kind of...
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Some of the Labs I've had were "Chew Monsters" till about 2 to 2-1/2 YO. Chewed everything up if left un attended for even short periods of time....
Salmon oil works great.... A couple of squirts in the kibble works wonders... it's the omega 3's
it's her den...
Rescue dog Labradors... Training and good luck..
Diamond P Labs in Walnut Grove might be of help. They specialize in gun and trial dogs. Good breeders.
Treats and praise when he brings the bumper back and don't take it away too quick.
Add meat like tuna or canned chiken to their kibble. An egg once a week wouldn't hurt either. I never fooled with wet dog food with the labs I've had.
Anyone using fish oil or to be exact salmon oil supplement with their labs? Wanting to know what brands are being used and how their working out.
Had two Labradors puppies back in 1980. A female and a male, both pure breed labs. The wife would bath the dogs in the tub weekly and neither...
I have a new Labrador puppy on the way, not born yet, however, I've had Labrador gun dogs in the past. I have found that adding a small can of...
New Labrador puppy on the way, She'll be born around May 1st, have 2nd pick of the litter, and should have her home here by mid July or so. Then...