You need to go with your heart however head would suggest waiting a couple of months of possible for this stage to end... You will of course still...
I feel your pain our puppy is 7 months old and still very mouthy my girls 8&9 love him but also get fed up of him easily my husband is fed up of...
Thank you the light at the end of the tunnel is beginning to switch on!x
Hi all still at my wits end! Hugo is 7 months now and still biting first thing on a morning when we see him also humps my leg at any given...
Yet another question sorry! Hugo has had blood in his poop the last two times - seems happy in himself and not loose stools but very dark in...
Still at wits end Hugo still biting and scratching and humping my leg all the time he is 6 months now !
How To Stop Your Puppy Biting Hi so Hugo is 5.5months and is still crocopup tried lots of suggestions and nothing works other than crating him (...
Thanks he was pulling in it poor thing I will try the salt water x
Poor Hugo has been wearing a harness the pet store adviced and now has broken skin in his armpits where it has been rubbing ! Any advice as to how...
Clean! X
Thanks I will try your suggestions I tend to feed 6am 1pm and will try 4pm too - maybe should just feed twice? X
I fed him at around 5pm - he is on a raw diet x
Hello I was just wondering at what point are people considering their puppies fully house trained? I feel we might be behind. Hugo is now 5...
Hugo has been lovely for days but today is awful woke up at 5am as usual but instead of his usual dozy morning has spent the last hour trying to...
Hugo (21 weeks ) is our first dog so not sure if there is a bit or naitative going on here but he really smells and it hits you as soon as you...
Great news !! Hugo is 19 weeks and is still having frantic biting first thing on a morning he is up at 5am and when the kids first get in from...
Hiya Hugo is 18 weeks now and I would say pretty much house trained ... However he still sees no problem in using his crate as a toilet -how can...
Dare I say we've turned a corner a peaceful day today - tomorrow ...????
Feel your pain - have you tried raw feeding Hugo has been on it since day one and only tummy issues were when I tried to introduce kibble ? In...
@Calbury how are things?hugo is 18 weeks tomorrow and has calmed down but by no means are we past the biting stage - the girls and husband are...