Re: iam having doubt in weight giving royal canin food for 4 times per day
Re: iam having doubt in weight [img]
hello guys my Sizzy is 4 month old but weight is 25lbs .can u tell me how much weight of ur dogs at 4 month old .pls give me suggestions
hai guys, iam having doubt about heat cycle when is better for breeding ........ give me some suggestions about this..........
Re: Doubt Puppy name is sizzy. and my vet says deworming should made once in 21 days. it is good to deworming like this
Re: Doubt Not her wee .wee of crow, chicken
What will happen if puppy eat the wee.
Re: Iam Very Happy Vet just make deworming thats all and now she is fine .
My Puppy is Fine Now And she incresing is weight gradually.thanks for all suggestions u had given to me
Re: When to call a vet about your puppy My puppy is not yet walking for long she just walking few yards and she not willing to walk further .what...
Re: tihs my pup phot thank for all . definitely i will say what vet said
Re: tihs my pup phot which one is better government vet hospital or private vet hospital
Re: tihs my pup phot s is there .we taking to government vet hospital
Re: tihs my pup phot see the 2nd photo and tell me this is sign of worms Oberon
[img] [img]
Hai dude, Iam Having Confussion???which food have to given to puppy . to grow healthier and stronger. now iam using royal canin labrador...
Re: Help I had visited to my vet and we checked is weight is 10.50 lbs
Hello Dude, I Had brought one lab puppy female(2 month old). it is too thin .help me how to increase bone weight and body weight . iam using royal...