Dorset has several prison libraries that we staff. A different library experience for sure. Mine is totally normal - small community library.
Haha, didn't spot that. So funny, no time for that with a new puppy!
Jake will now (eventually) stop chewing on hands and clothing when we say leave. He does sit, down, leave, paw, come, catch (hit and miss)....
Jake ripped my husband's shirt the other day when excited Bitey moment hit. Today he has learnt jumping onto the (totally nothing there to play...
As Jake (15 weeks) bit the tender underside of my upper arm this am, I wondered why the hell I thought a puppy would be a good idea. But when he...
Do you work in a library? I'm a library manager for Dorset Libraries.
Yes, I ripped out two flower beds and got rid of the toxic plants. My beautiful foxgloves, sob.
We have recently laid new turf as we reduced our flower beds, removed toxic plants (sob sob my foxgloves) and generally thought a larger grassed...
And kitchen roll for mopping up all the wee Jake is now 15 weeks (where has that gone!) and hasn't had an accident for a couple of weeks but at...
Carrots are fantastic treats according to Jake. Also cucumber. Blueberries are also good.
We had no clue. He's a good footballer it seems.
We got Northvale Messi stuck on us for our Jake. Northvale is the breeders kennel name but the breeders kids get to choose names of litters and...
I bought a helium balloon yesterday for a friend's birthday today. Jake ignored it while I carried it around until we got back to the car, but...
Jake still moans and mutters if we crate him during the day while we eat, etc. we ignore him and he settles. He is only let out when quiet -...
Jake is crate trained, so no pads, and has been going all night from 11pm to 6.45am for three weeks now. We pushed back the night visit over a...
Bamboo canes and mesh at a push? Might work - crossing fingers etc
Emergency squirrel did work - he came back in my lap, chewed squirrel and went to sleep :)
lol, yes, that very phrase just came out of my mouth as I balaced bitey Jake on my lap and kept him away from my well earned glass of wine. He...
Jake is still biting hard but will sometimes stop to sit or when I say leave. Leave works well when I'm going him a treat, not so well when he is...