We have gone for 7am, 1pm and 7pm with morning walk sometime around 9.30/10am and pm walk around 5/6 pm. This is working while there is one of us...
Cold poo is fine - I have 2 cats and a litter tray. Although litter tray is now put away as the puppy thinks it's a play thing for him.
Cancel that thought. He used the neighbours garden when meeting their dogs today then we took him to the rec and he both wee'd and did a huge poo...
We have had 2 days without accidents - yay. We still take him out very frequently - he was catching us out by weeing inside within 10 mins of...
Jake is 12 weeks tomorrow and can go to 3 meals a day. He has been fed at 7, 11, 3 and 7 so far. What times do people pick for 3 meals? Is it...
We have had a good day. Jake had his first walk and behaved very well. Had a good run around off lead too and met two dogs and their humans. He...
Jake goes out for a massive wee then usually has a poo. Back indoors for breakfast and straight out after eating for another wee. However he is...
I use a head torch(just hold it rather than actually wear it) as its really bright and easy to see if Jake is going or just wandering around.
Hand gestures do work well. Jake always sticks his head in the fridge/cupboard if it is opened. A hand gesture to say get out works wonders. I...
Lol, excuse typing. Think the wine has relaxed me too much!
Oh, and needless to say, me and teen girls have red Happy Puppy books and Labrador book. Husband - no reading at all. He is sort of copying me but...
I'm laughing but crying inside too. Why are they all so crap at this? As my husband had dogs growing up (in fact, his grandparents won Crufts in...
Lol. I do love my little Jakey. He is doing very well with training and tomorrow we CAN GO FOR A WALK!
Lol lol lol. Glad I'm not alone
Oh dear - sounds like mine. He had dogs when growing up so must be right all the time.
Ok, so next question. How do I train the husband, lol.
The runners can be lobbed in the machine and tumble dried and are only £9 each so are great. He ALWAYS performs outside when I say the phrase and...
And hiven the weird changeable wintery snow showers/hail/rain then sun we are getting, the runners are needed to save him hurting himself!
The runners are there to stop him skidding on the hard floor with wet feet. We originally only allowed access to the kitchen, but have expanded to...
Jake is now 11 and a half weeks old. He will happily wee outside to order when I say the phrase we have chosen and we take him out very...