Thanks - I use the iPad most of the time as I can't be bothered to go upstairs and turn the pc on.
She is gorgeous. Such beautiful fluffy fur.
Sounds like hard work. Have a glass of something and relax while puppy is asleep for a bit.
Ok I give up. Can't upload from Flickr via the iPad.
[IMG]Untitled[/url] by Lisa Prince, on Flickr[/IMG] [IMG]Untitled by Lisa Prince, on Flickr
Jake doesn't mind the rain or puddles. He will "go widdle" (youngest daughter chose phrase!) while we stand at patio doors!
Blooming photos - this is from Flickr. Need to reread the instructions I think. Jake is now sat on a beanbag having a nap as if butter wouldn't melt.
oh dear, it was all going so well with toilet training but the excitement of trashing a cardboard box and chewing stuff (as I think his teeth are...
So cute
Luck? I slept downstairs the first week so I could hear him starting to wake up and got to him before he really started crying. And he cried the...
He is getting food treats 95% of the time. I need to make sure the treat bag is fuller I think as I occasionally run out.
If he doesn't get a edible treat, it's a fuss and a play.
Yes, when I said sit for a treat, I meant click and treat. We click everything. Sometimes it's just a click and sometimes a click and treat....
Jake is 10 wks and has progressed from croco pup to velociraptor first thing in the morning and during the witching hour after his food but before...
He has his 2nd jab on 21st April so hopefully on the ground end April when he will be 3 months old.
That's lovely. Post to say how you get on with her tomorrow. We found night 1 was ok, nights 2 and 3 unsettled and then he's been really good. I...
I had bought lots of new plants last year - but most of the got rehired to my parents! What sort of lab are you getting and what's his/her name?
So, 2 weeks of being a newbie lab mum and this is what I've learnt:- 1) Jake likes chewing plants, sticks, dirt, stones, moss, old clothes pegs,...
Jake has today made a huge connection between peeing outside and getting a click and a treat. He managed to squeeze 5 wees out in a 45 min period...