She is 2.5 months over her heat and is in a state of pseudocyesis (False pregnancy) now that you mention it. Maybe she's digging a nest for her...
I've been working consistently very hard with Mocha. Our daily training is short and she seems to enjoy. She seems so happy and we are definitely...
Glad it worked for you Selina. I do sometimes get strange looks from other dog handlers when I pull the thermos or a cat food tin out.
I took Mocha to a group class yesterday. We tried the class 6 months ago, but gave it up after Mocha ran off with a cone that we were supposed to...
My place is also small, but hey she is my world. She is a big girl now and she paws at the jingle bells on the front door when she needs to go...
Hi All, I read that cumin oil is not only good for joints, but it keeps their skin healthy and repels unwanted insects. Any experience with this?
I draped my crate with lots of blankets so she has her privacy. It stands in the corner of my room. Door is always open. She goes there when she...
Hello Norway, IMHO Just using a good harness and leash will not solve your problems. I have a whole cupboard full. I can relate to your problem,...
Hi Lara, Great input from Snowbunny. For me I am in advance recall training, and it seemed to be ingrained in her sub-conscience pretty strong....
Snowmobiles! That's a whole new advanced level of temptation!
Hi Selina, I am having great success with Pippa's program from her book Total Recall. I can't recommend it enough. I can successfully recall my...
Today, my wife took him outside to go pee and they came right back inside. After 5 minutes, he rings the bell. I was like no buddy nice try you...
Welcome to the club. Sometimes one or two gets away and the dog gulps it down before you can do anything. You have to hope for the best and not...
Bless you! I send my girl once a week to a very good doggy day care and it does us both good. She socializes and I have the day to myself. Also...
I think boxers are generally very excitable dogs. Their power and tendencies towards being dominant can get them carried away. I see a 2 yr old...
It was until a little kid with a sleigh and an uncommonly massive ski helmet walked by.
Poppy is so cute. I fill up the muffin tins with paper towel rolls cut in all sizes instead of balls. She loves to pull them out. chew them and...
Today I recalled Mocha from 2 deer. Who says miracles don't happen. Feeling so happy. Our walks are becoming more relaxed and joyful. Keeping my...
Things left out in the open are ok. A raw chicken heart found under the couch pillow is another. One of my friends found a ravioli under his bed...
It's now or never! I've proofed the recall against most of the distractions that can absorb Mocha's attention or get her into trouble. I am...