Hi there just wondering if anyone has ever had this and got any tips on how to best treat. My now nearly 10 month old black lab,Welly, has red...
Re: Pancreatitis.....another flare up Hi there my old dog (15) who passed away last year had pancreatitus, took us ages to diagnose it though and...
Re: Please Help - Obedience has gone!! A piece of advice in the Gundog manual is to only use your recall when you can be confident it is going to...
Re: The Gundog Club Training Manuals Hi there, I had pretty much the same dilemma, Welly could do the basics and had his Bronze KC certificate...
Re: Some initial questions You can also do an online course on clicker training...I'm just finishing the foundation level course by Karen Pryor.
Re: The Gundog Club Training Manuals Hi there, you can get them/find out more on thegundogclub.co.uk website ...I would recommend Grade One,...
Re: What is your daily training and exercise regime for your lab? Thanks Julie and you are right apart from the once a week... I find it hard to...
Re: Stage 1 of training new recall Hi there I was thinking about your on/off lead thing...have tried popping the lead on, sit then take the lead...
Re: What is your daily training and exercise regime for your lab? Welly is only 9m old so our routine is pretty much this...out for between 30...
Re: Welly's set back! Thanks all ....it really is so lovely to know you good people are out there. Will have to see if I can take a picture (&...
Re: Welly's set back! Thanks all . Welly quite exhausted after his day's adventures...not sure we'll hear a peep out of him tonight
Re: Welly's set back! Thanks all for the good wishes...it must have been all the crossed paws that did it.....we passed!!!!! Am so relieved....
Re: Welly's set back! Thanks Edp I've given him a good run this morning and did some simple things which he was fine at, but I think there must...
All, I feel so bad...my 9 m old puppy Welly has been doing so well recently. We've been working our way through Gundog Manual 1 and he was doing...
Re: Instructions for whipit Hi I've just watched the video thanks for sharing and am going to get myself a lunge whip and give it a go... But I...
Re: The Gundog Club Training Manuals Hi there, I've recently purchased guides 1 & 2, in most of the excercises Pippa does not tell you where to...
Re: Getting behaviour "off cue" Julie I've rewatched the video in my Karen Pryor clicker foundation course, the trainer ignores any spontaneous...
Re: Getting behaviour "off cue" Julie hi I'm currently working my way through the Karen Pyror foundation course for clicker training. There is a...
Hi there I've just bought and read the Grade One training guide - with much enthusiasm - and had a question I wondered whether you lovely people...
Re: Sardine dispenser I wonder whether you might try putting the sardine paste in an ice cube tray to create little blocks that can be...