Re: Having trouble fading rewards Thanks all really helpful
Hi there, I'm having trouble fading rewards...even though I get the whole psychology of the gambling effect and I do use premium, basic and bonus...
Re: Help with getting started? Thanks so much Julie, I like the matrix and did think I might do something similar but I wasn't sure what to put...
Hi, I posted for the first time last week. Welly, my adorable black lab just 7 months and I have a some good basic obedience (still working on...
Re: Dealing with boisterous behaviour Hi there...wanted to offer a few thoughts (and hopefully some support) too .... . I have a 7 month old lab...
Re: Puppy problems - will things EVER improve??? Thanks. I think seeing all the responses has helped me reflect on where this behaviour might be...
Re: Puppy problems - will things EVER improve??? Thanks all. Yes he's gets quite a lot of off lead time. So far not chased anything apart from...
Re: Eeekk puppies really do eat anything No sorry Welly is short for Llewellyn although he sometimes gets called Wellington by my husband or...
Re: Eeekk puppies really do eat anything My 7 month old Welly has given me a few scares of this nature. I've often had to pull a socks out of...
Re: Male lab puppy keeps humping cushions Thanks. Welly sounds remarkably like Benson! Will continue to distract/remove sources likely to set it...
Re: Puppy problems - will things EVER improve??? Thanks for all the stories everyone, makes me realise how lucky we are with Welly (short for...
Re: Male lab puppy keeps humping cushions Thanks all, your posts reassure me that he's normal....he's just 7 months old and I guess his hormones...
Hi there, anyone experienced above, got any suggestions for dealing with it. He only seems to do it when he's over excited and am trying to keep...