Re: so proud of Lemmy Awsome. well done lemmy
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? How old is lemmy? I love the motorhead refrence ;p
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? Had Bouncer wieghed yesterday 8 weeks 4 days old. 5.05kg
Re: Slow feeder Makes no difference to the lil eating machine I have.
Re: Stuffed kongs Yup, thats the one
Re: Slow feeder Hmm, I may look into getting Bouncer one of those. He eats his food in less than a minute & for a little dog that is quick. So...
Re: Where is the best place for puppies to poop in the garden? Hi welcome to the forum. Bouncer my Black Lab pup goes to the toilet on or near...
Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through Bouncer has always slept through untill 6 > 6:30am. He is a very active Dog & my kids play with him as soon as they...
Re: Note to self....... Ribbed ;D
Re: Puppy Progress He earnt a sausage for that :)
Re: Pear's n Ivy aha, mystery solved, I just saw him jump up to a low hanging fruit, grab it, let the branch bend back to earth then hang on...
Re: has the runs alot Sorry you are having trouble, I have the opposit problem. There is nothing Bouncer wont eat.
Re: Note to self....... So what where you doing in my back garden then? :o
Re: Smarty pants Best check your household insurance, laptop death by Tom may be covered
Re: 2 in 1 I am aware that parental colour does not mean you wont get different colours. Both Bouncers parents where pure black. Mum gave...
Re: Note to self....... Naughty Maisie, lets see how long you can remian stern with her. Bet it aint long. :)
Re: 2 in 1 What colour where her parents?
Re: Puppy Progress Bouncer had his first visit to the Vet's today. Nothing serious, just that my vet does a free flea check & wieghing. He...
Re: Smarty pants You sure have a inteligent dog there. Just make sure you dont leave your Ebay password lying about or your house will be...
Re: Grooming Bouncer has yet to start shedding, my 7 year old daughter brushes him every other day & he loves it. It also gets her used to...