Re: When to reduce food Bouncer is 8 weeks old & I feed him 3 times a day 60g per meal (on advice from the breeder). His poo is not runny but...
Re: Chew Toy Avoidence Seems when it comes to balls, Bouncer thinks bigger is better. He has just discovered my kids spacehopper :)
Re: Puppy Progress No whining at all last night untill 7am. He only did one wee indoors, no poo. Let him out in the garden & he promptly...
Re: Chew Toy Avoidence I think that Bouncer may well deflate that ball by himself very soon.
Re: Treat Suggestions Sardines, Bouncer is mad for them. Although not a practical training treat. Dry cat food biccies. Bonio, yes somtimes the...
Re: What size carrier for puppy? I considered a Cat one but the one I had was a bit small.
Re: Chew Toy Avoidence I have found somthing other than furniture that Bouncer enjoys chewing. Hmmm, it looks a bit big. [IMG] But I...
Re: What size carrier for puppy? I didnt use one, Bouncer sat on my lap on the back seat while my father-in-law drove. Bouncer behaved...
Re: Great water retrieve Benson..with a kong Safestix I was looking at them in P@H & founfd myself wondering if I should have worn a Mac. ;)
Re: Chew Toy Avoidence I am a Kongvert. stuffed the thing with all sortds of yummyness & he woofed it down. Now freezing a bit of chicken gravy...
Re: Shedding I have a dark walnut floor in the living room & a black tile in the kitchen utility room, so not so much of a problem at the moment...
Re: Chew Toy Avoidence Freezing his first kong now, filled it with chicken gravey.
Re: Puppy Progress This morning he found his voice. He tried to bark, not yap but actualy bark.
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? Probably a good move not to show the Mrs this thread then. ;)
Re: I'd like to see a recent pic of all your pups! I just wan high 5 bosun, just coz of that paw.
Re: Chew Toy Avoidence Frozen Kongs?
Re: Visiting puppies! I can totaly relate to that, my last dog died of cancer in January, but due to unavoidable consequences we have only just...
Re: Puppy Progress well Bouncer is now poo'ing outside nearly 100% of the time. He even has a special place to sit & whine to tell us he needs...
Re: Visiting puppies! Same happened with Bouncer, I think dogs choose us rather than the other way around. I am very pleased for you, it wont...
Before I got bouncer home I spent quite a few quid on chew toys, puppy kong, nylon bone, rubber dumbells etc. The lil nutter chews everything...