Re: To insure or not to insure? Insure. My last dog was insured & never got sick in his first 3 years, I was toying with the idea of...
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? Bouncer was last weighed at 7 weeks old & was 3.5 kilos.
Yup, you guessed it, Bouncer arrived home today. He was good as gold in the car on the way back, no little accidents. As soon as he got in the...
Re: New Puppy Countdown Went to see my lil fella again today. Last time untill I bring him home. That BIG day is tomorow. I have some phot's...
Re: Crate or Not. Great, will try that first then
Re: Be tick aware Ticks are a bit wierd in that they actualy breath through there bodies. So get some vasaline, slap that on them, they should...
Re: Benson Strikes Again! lol, that actualy did make me lol
Re: Kennels - It Gets Worse Basicly your dog is getting 15 holidays a year. My kids would probably like the destination better than home if that...
Re: Proper swimming - at last! Fantastic photo. Cant wait to get my lil guy swimming.
Re: Crate or Not. I have a utility room that I could section off with a childgate, would that work?
Re: What age can my 6 month labrador wear a backpack Backpack? errrr, really?
Re: Any body knows How to control Yup, negative reinforcment, if the dog pulls just stop. The dog soon learns tha pulling actualy makes the...
Re: Chelmsford dog walkers warned of poisonings Oh, what a shame. I know that park well as I used to drive past the church in the photo on my...
Re: 43 and a half socks?! O-M-G :o
Re: Avatar again! 65 pixels? why so small? I am a member of lots of forums & never had this issue before.
Re: Crate or Not. So what size crate do I get? oh I forgot to say, the lil guy will only be left alone when wife does the school run & for 2...
Re: New Puppy Countdown It looks like I may have to get my puppy a few days earlier as I would be on call that weekend & my cover engineer has...
Re: Crate or Not. Looks like im looking for a puppy crate next then ;p
I managed to raise my last puppy without the need to crate him, but it seems times have changed. What are your thought on the benefits or...
Labrador Retriever - Susan Feathering