I did consider giving my boy a bone wrapped with sandpaper in hopes he would dull those baby teeth down. :-) It was awful and if you haven't been...
Thanks i will look into that more. I appreciate it. He is so scent driven I think he would do like that kind of training and it would be fun. If...
Thanks Joy. I mean thanks to everyone who responds, and thanks Emily for the hug. I need one! :-/ When he is calm I sit on the floor with him and...
I don't think he gets enough fun although I am not sure there is enough fun. He gets three nice walks a day, a couple outside recall fun lessons,...
My, now almost 8 month old boy is challenging me when he doesn't get what he wants. Today he decided to tear up the hall runner. I didn't yell or...
Yes, I would go as far as he likes and then throw a toy or hot dog pieces, something really worth going farther for. He has to really want it. You...
At my age I can't afford to wish away time but...I won't mind when this boy of mine is a year older. I think if you went to divorce court and...
We do use a crate that fits in the back of my Subaru. I have a cargo strap that ties it down on each side to the floorboard of the back. The crate...
Try the filled frozen kong when you put her back in the crate. Its something to sooth her and she might just go back to sleep.
Thanks for the detailed reply. I have the book and we are working on some of it. Some of it is over my head I guess. I asked my husband to read...
Oh I agree it is frustration, he wants his way and hates being told no. I actually don't think I told him no enough, at least he doesn't seem to...
We did. She came yesterday. She had good things to say and stuff we are working on. I do read many people on here have this reoccurrence of...
We didn't want our dog on the bed either. Although a snuggle would be nice I don't want to start something that he will expect to continue. His...
Oh I like this idea of throwing the food on the floor! That is a useful idea! It might give me time to escape since my 8 month old ends it by...
We are doing all that as far as training him to walk nearby with treats, chicken and hot dog pieces. Our walks aren't too bad as we are in the...
Oh there was no chance I would leave my dog there. If that is what he was freely admitting to do for dog training what is he not admitting to? I...
Who would anyone leave their dog there, even for boarding, when you see those collars hanging there? One thing I can say, he didn't try to hide...
Thanks Karen! He does like to use his nose and I will think of how to do what you are suggesting. I thought we would be going to some very...
We are retired and home a lot with him. We go on walks and do training in short bursts throughout the day. He has toys and we play but he is...
After a couple months of lovely hiatus in the biting my, now 7 month old boy has resumed biting with less sharp teeth but much stronger jaws and a...