Re: McQueen at 6months !! LOL ! I told the vet McQueen is family..would you sell your son ? He looked at me dumbstruck !
Re: McQueen at 6months !! Tell me about it far as I'm concerned I have given up on worrying ...It's making me sick and in turn causes...
Re: with photos! WOW ..she has grown so much !!! Absolutely perfect !
Re: McQueen at 6months !! hehe..He is huge now ! Who would have thought that after just a few meazley months he would become so big? You all... can't get the link to work but I'm sure you can click into...
Re: Sorry for the downtime I second the bit about the housework !!! hehe
Re: Things to buy ~! LOL thank you Jac...although he's figured out how to open the door and in no time at all he'l be jumping fence so I need to...
Re: Things to buy ~! [IMG] A while back I voiced an issue with purchasing a crate for Mcqueen when I need my space etc...Well guess what guys...
Re: with photos! heheh seems like only yesterday McQueen looked like her ! She's adorable!..I remember saying I cannot wait till...
Re: my two and Lochan's two.... Wow! Stunning picture !!! This kind of thing makes me impatient with McQueens growth spurts !!
Re: Well , that served you right ! LOL! Poor Sam! Must have been painful for him but you always have an exceptional way of making it all seem so...
Re: Attention new puppy owners! Let your puppy off the lead. Speaking of puppies off leads, I tried something yesterday during our walk on the...
Re: CNM Oh no !!!! Poor Jake and you too !!! I don't know much at all about the condition ..looking it up now but it sounds terrible if his...
Re: Italy *laughs* Karen have fun and I know the feeling !
Re: Obi's trip to the beach Gorgeous pics !! They so love the sea don't they?
Re: Random photo of Sam Sensational! Stunning ! grgrgr hug him tight for me !!!
Re: I couldnt resist .. Jaw hurts from crunching my teeth !!! Just aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Re: Vet Puppy Food Too Straining on budget... [IMG] And one more just because I cannot for the life of me help it ! He gets on so well with...
Re: Vet Puppy Food Too Straining on budget... [IMG] And then you wonder why the kids find him annoying sometimes...He found it hillarious just...
Re: Vet Puppy Food Too Straining on budget... [IMG] How can you NOT Jac !!! Look !!! fuzzly wuzzly !