Re: Their following us!! HAHA Helen !!! Thats hillarious...I just had a visual of sheep flocking behind you ...a "don't mind If I do " kind of...
Re: Amber Gorgeous Pictures ...stunning lab and no doubt the greatest of friends. I read posts daily without a skip and everyday I look forward...
Re: Zach What an exquisite creature he was ! So sad to hear such news heart goes out to you and your family.
Re: Bones - goodbye, old friend Awe, sensational and now much cherrished no doubt picture...He lives on in your memories...
Re: Biting Thank you so much for your extensive reply, you actually set my mind at ease...Yes, I am a nervous wreck to be honest, so perhaps it...
Re: Biting Ugh, today has been an utter nightmare with McQueen..he listens to NO fact ignores me and biting is not friendly I'm...
Re: Biting Thank you Pippa. I had read that earlier on and tried the 'pained ' approach...he doesn't seem to be taking too kindly to that I'm...
Re: Biting I was sitting there watching tv today when McQueen started to play bite then turned it to a harsh bite and it dawned on me. With my...
Re: Remembering Lily today Remember them like they’re still here Even though they are not They have gone to a better place Somewhere we are not,...
Re: Things to buy ~! Yes David I purchased the book about a week ago, it exceptionally easy to read and informative for someone thats basically...
Re: Is it possible to edit a post? Great, ty David ! Your a gem ...
Re: Things to buy ~! Does it really make a difference as to the frequency of the whistle or is that just sillyness. I've read it all over and...
Re: Ready and set to go with a training schedule... The thing I am noticing is that he always goes on the same spot ! Up the back of the patio...
Re: Is it possible to edit a post? Yeh I virtually copy pasted the url of the picture and hit the img tab which is what I usually do ... I tried...
Re: Is it possible to edit a post? Pippa I have the same problem ...I cannot edit or delete a post...I was trying to figure out the picture...
Re: Hello from Greece! [img]
Re: Hello from Greece! [img] Hope this works ...testing ! George and McQueen ~!
Re: Training classes LOL I can just see the bunching up of hundreds of excited pups eager to play instead of learn. I KNOW for a fact if it was...
Re: Charlie Nightingale - not!! You see this is why I adore this site !!! You just gave me the best idea for a toy for McQueen !!! Socks !!! tytytyty
Re: Lungworm increase Pippa something I've been asking myself for a rather long time. Is it not safe to vaccinate a pet on your own if its...