Re: Quite worried about my girl Now, you see, this is the kind of thing I wished to avoid for so many years. It saddens me deeply to see them in...
Re: Ready and set to go with a training schedule... Yay!!! He stayed and sat !!! He understands hand commands ~!!! The kibble treating really...
Re: Hello from Greece! Thank you Carole and yes ... on some occassions almost leads me to tears but it least ... this time... it's for a valid...
Re: Things to buy ~! Thank you sincerely for the advice Jac ...for now it looks like Im going to have to make do until I CAN actually afford to...
Re: Things to buy ~! The initial payment of the crate itself is not the issue, although high in itself I would have to make's something...
Re: Things to buy ~! Standard international (2) Normally arrives within 2-4 days (allow 5 days) £71.99 (inc. VAT.) LOL For this!...
Re: Things to buy ~! They would be lucky to have enough to cover their own needs over here let alone lend one out. Unfotunately Greece is a...
Re: Things to buy ~! Thanks it sounds like most of you use crates so I'm going to have to invest in one and they are pretty pricey...
Re: Things to buy ~! LOL !!! Frantically looking about the house !!! Ty M!!!
Re: Lady has an intermittent limp Just another reason why McQueen is of such importance. Not only is he assisting my son by deterring rapid...
Re: Things to buy ~! Thank you so much everyone for your advice. You are all a breath of fresh air ! I currently have McQueen with his lead on as...
Re: Things to buy ~! Thank you Karen and David...You are not in any which way shape or form insulting me by warning me...It happens..It has...
Re: Made me smile LOL Helen !!! Don't give me such goodies to look forward to !!!! pouts
Re: Lady has an intermittent limp Awe poor Lady...I'm hoping it all turns out ok in the end. It kind of reminds of my sons condition on his hip...
Re: Things to buy ~! Oh one thing I forgot to mention which you guessed correctly. There is no such thing as pet insurance here, there barely is...
Re: Things to buy ~! Thank you Karen...Let me just let you know what I have so might help. I purchased a bamboo pet basket with cushion...
Right well most of you have had more experience raising dogs than I of course but I DO need some assistance before I go out purchasing surplus...
Re: Ready and set to go with a training schedule... Nevermind HE DID IT!!! Thanks Pippa for a great book !!!! you have no idea how excited I am...
Re: Bones - goodbye, old friend Oh no! That would have been a horrific decision to have to make. One thing noone can take away from you is the...