Would you please explain about webcams?:)
Don't you worry I felt like that too!! Yep crying and thinking about the possibly of giving her up. And not just feeling like that once! I think I...
Samantha Jones gave me this idea for a post. In her response to someone's post she mentioned using a muffin tray with food in them and tennis...
I have a pen/ den set up for my puppy (17 weeks old). Also there while I go to work. She's fairly recently did a couple of times poos in her bed...
She's doing pretty good. She's only recently been allow on the ground (outside my yard, as her vaccinations have now been completed) and also now...
My puppy around about your puppy's age...My Pearl will be 4mths on the 24th of this month....
Thanks everyone, I love the support :)
I think with my sister its actual bites...
Do they just grow out of it?
Cool thanks people :)
hehe funny
Would that stopping of play also mean putting her in a pen for a short time?
Any suggestions on training my 16 week old puppy from pulling at clothes?
I have question in regard to the 5 minutes of exercise per month for puppies. I seen it said that this includes on lead not off lead. Does this...
Is puppy food ok to have a lot of protein?
Hi everyone, My girl is nearly 16 weeks old...wow cant believe that! Anyway, I actually wonder if I haven't done enough bit inhibition training....
It will be three days (two nights) that I'm away for...
That's a good point, thanks
Thanks for that
I should say her only interactions were a puppy preschool and through the fence at the neighbour's dog...