Got it....thanks. Will start working on that.. A few minutes at a time
Brady is now almost 12 weeks...we've been working on some things since he arrived. 1. He sits well before eating. Now we will start on waiting...
Brady is now almost 12 weeks old. He is a good boy. He sits before his meals, does ok on recall, working on leave it, go get it, bring it, drop...
Thanks -- we are learning to 'read' him, as you suggest. We are working on basics, like sitting and waiting (maybe 5 seconds, gradually...
One more question about Clickers -- if I am consistent but my partner/rest of the household might not be, is clicker training still effective?
Thank you - have read some articles on Clicker training and will start today. Working on socializing - things like meeting the vacuum cleaner and...
We got our pup home on Saturday... We are crate training. He was intrigued by the toys in his crate and had so much fun he tired himself out. He...
Thanks -- so many things to think about that we didn't have 15 years, toys, vet (our old guy saw specialists), pet insurance....
We lost our almost 15 year old lab in May, and have a new pup arriving home in August. My question is about bedding...I have our old guy's crate...
[IMG]Thank you all for your support and kind words...tried to post a photo but was unable to do so....Oh well. He was handsome inside and out.
We lost our Dobler on 5/10, four days before his 15th birthday. We were fortunate to share his wonderful life, and he gave us all much love and...
Thank you -- loved the photo of your two guys...looks like my two! I have an almost identical photo of them by a pond.
Thank you all for your support. Vet said he had no sphincter or neurological issues and recommended a Help'Em Up Harness. That seems to work...
He goes to the vet every two months to monitor kidney issues (he has about 35% kidney function - has not decreased and is stable). We go to the...
I was thinking about a yoga strap under his lower abdomen - will try it! Thanks
Did you try changing his food? Our guy had major itching - Malaseb really helped - but the only thing that both got his coat looking great again...
Our precious guy is almost 15. Lately he has had difficulty squatting to defecate (no way to put this delicately). We have been trying exercises...
We have tried laser therapy - it seems to help him feel better in the moment. We have also tried Arthrimaxx - it's added to his food. He seems...
My guy is over 12 1/2 and lately has had great difficulty with his back legs. When he sits, his feet are slightly raised. When standing his back...
My old guy (14 1/2) has about 35% kidney function at this point. A person nephrologist I spoke to said that kidney failure doesn't cause pain. So...