Connie is a sweet name for the sweetest girl. She looks at home in that photo.
We had the Perfect Fit for Scooby - the wide one, he was a very big Lab. Great harness. It doesn't suit Coco though. Probably the narrow one...
Good luck - hope you manage to fill your time, waiting.
Ooop! Coco's weakness is bars of soap. If I don't fiirmly shut the bathroom door when he's home alone, he rifles through the drawers, knocking...
These are the happiest videos I've seen in a long time. If I'm ever feeling down, I know what'll cheer me up.
That is a lovely picture of Sky, even if she is tired/a bit spaced on the drug.
If it's raw I'd take him to the vets and hopefully get some soothing cream for it.
No, that's OK Ripple. You had your bit, it's only fair to let mum have a munch. YOu are very lucky, I have NEVER found anything on the beach to...
Ripple reminds me of Coco - full of joie de vivre. Sounds like he winded himself momentarily.
Sorry you've had yet another stupid person looking for an excuse for their dog's poor behaviour. It's not right.
We did have a barbingcue tonight and I had some sossij, steak, chickin & beefburgler...BUT - mum has just been out and put some goodies - much...
Could be the heat. What's the temperature like at night? Maybe she would be happier then. Otherwise I'd take her to see the vet.
:rofl: that video is hilarious!
It does rather sound like he's still suffering with a UTI. Hope you get some answers and solutions from your vet.
anyway Holly, rice is nice. I had pie crust & feta cheese tonight. Only tiny bits, but oh so tasty. mum says we are having barbingque tea...
I am resisting the minute temptation to google the weta. I do not do creepy crawlies. Ever.
Whoop whoop! We've got some decent weather at last! It's been windy/foggy/misty/wet all week - today we have a still sunshiny day. We haven't got...
Rotten luck that they have both had issues so close together. Try not dwell on the what-ifs - you have a plan for looking after Merlin's tail,...
The Cowboy Magic Boogie mentions is very useful for spot-cleaning. No water involved, just a trigger spray bottle - or you could even wet a cloth...
I think if you & your mum both gang up on your dad together, you'll be able to talk him in to resting your pup. Hope he's feeling more comfortable...