mommy.... what a nice story... lovely... Love the picture!!!! :heart::heart::heart:
Hi Nemo, we understand what you are talking about, I think that the experience you are facing is completely normal, as many others, I lost my well...
What a nice girl!!!! Just love her!!!! :heart::heart::heart: Anyway... I think that mother nature... make them so cute... just to avoid them to...
sorry I forgot... no agression on Dana's behaviour... (up today).
I have the same feeling... Dana is entering into adolescence, she is becoming a "part-time" hooligan, but, when she is on "safe mode", she is...
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: happy time!!!!
Yes. It's our last loyalty gesture... they go to the rainbow bridge, feeling our love for them. Just loyalty. As they do, every single day of...
What a clever eyes¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ She was a beautiful and lucky girl... Wish a nice last walk to paradise...
Dear Friend... you did well, as dog lovers, we are oblied to provide them the better live we can... and this include not to let them suffering...
My god¡¡¡¡ What a beautiful photos!!!!! I guess that "storm" was a sweet hearted friend. Thanks for sharing. Pedrolo.
:cwl::cwl::cwl::cwl: Sorry, if sometimes I do not use good English, :rofl:...:computerrage: I just keep on learning... Best regards...:angel:...
He is a "teenager dog", so he has flying butterflies in his head... Dana, is 8 months and some days she has a "bad day", that day, just keep calm...
Thanks to everyone for nice welcome... Yes!!!!! it's Dana... she is a pretty girl... just need to "refine manners" :D :heart:
Hi, this is Pedro, and Dana, a yellow coated lady Lab, born 2015 08 26th, we live in Valencia, close to the Mediterranean Sea... My history for...