Good dog Charlie it's good to know normal service has resumed.
Charlie certainly looks comfortable having his massage. I hope the side effects of the strong drugs have worn off completely now and Charlie has...
Sorry if this isn't relevant and it has nothing to do with castration well maybe loosely because it's why I haven't had my dogs castrated yet....
Im glad Charlie is home safe and sound and looking so happy with his Kong. Good to see that tail wagging despite the cold draft he must have...
I agree with what everyone else has said. You have done a fantastic job with Simba and you can't proof against everything. There will probably...
Yes it will just grow back you don't need to worry about it. If it looks dry and she isn't bothering about it just leave it. You could bathe with...
Routine is definitely a double edged sword for my two. Their nervousness and excitability means routine helps to keep them calm but if something...
Ted is so cute. I bet you can't wait until Sunday.
Wow Helen Charlie has done so well in such a short space of time. He's almost unrecognisable to how he used to be legging off across the field...
I'm really glad snowie is showing such great improvement and you've got the advice you needed from your vet. Fingers crossed all goes well now.
Thank you both. Very interesting reading. My main concern is scout. Scott although nervous copes a lot better scout can be very timid. For all...
He looks a lovely, healthy dog. You've done a fantastic job with him Naya you should feel very proud to be handing him over to a loving home...
Hi Kate. Poor Benson must be frustrating for him but there is light at the end of the tunnel. You mentioned that there is a difference between...
No smilies on the forum if using an iPad but the iPad smilies work. No idea what the animal ones are for just wanted to use them. My original iPad...
Im glad Spero might be going to a home near you so you can keep in touch with his progress. I bet all the information you are able to give about...
My two like to graze as well especially this time of year when the grass is new and sweet. There is definitely a difference in the way a dog eats...
Re: Burying a Bone!! Murphy my old dog did a similar thing with a rawhide bone. He'd never buried anything before then one day he decided to bury...
Re: Advice administering liquid medication A small hand blender like this...
Re: Dangerous Dogs Act - hypothetical query Well from what I've read here I'm stuffed !!! My only defence is when my dogs bark at people they...
Re: Boisterous at the Vets! I've never had excited behaviour at the vets but lots of nervous behaviour. My old dog was scared at the vets and...