We decrated at night before we decrated fully at 9 months. I think around 5 or 6 months. If you are prepared that there may be an accident, I...
We have the same problem, so don't feel bad. You just have to keep on plodding along with the training. I have Jessie in a long training lead so I...
How exciting. I am jealous of all the new puppy news!! It will be a while for us I think!!!
It is Jessie's first Christmas too, I think it will be fine. We have had a tree every year and it has survived various babies, toddlers, kitten,...
Awwww, so lovely! I so love the idea of 2, but Jessie has been such hard work, I just can't contemplate it right now!!
I often take the dog out just before I do the school run, some mishap occurs and I have to shoot straight out the door without changing to not be...
I have been following your advice on this and it is going well. In fact, the sprint off after nothing was when my judgement lapsed, and I let her...
Utter, utter, crazy excitement! It has taken me a long time to teach siit in front of a new person, because she can't sit because her tails wags...
Oh dear... Had me in total stitches tho. But only because I have been there, SO, SO many times. For me 'pug in a pink jumper' is Rosie in a...
We decrated at 9 months as Jessie was pretty indifferent to it. She never took herself off there if given a choice. And whilst she would happily...
I think it also comes down to the fact that you have been able to phase out treats for 'sit', 'down' etc. But still need them for 'come'. One day...
She is stunning. Sorry you've been poorly. Jumping up at guests has been a problem here too. I stopped her meeting guests when they first arrive...
9 months was about the age we de crated Jessie. The kitchen is a safe space so she has more room if we are out. So far she hasn't chewed anything...
If she has stopped doing it your husband, she will stop doing it to you. You just need to be consistent and keep on keeping on. Crate time out...
I always treat. And sometimes I treat BIG to mix it up! So a massive chunk of chicken or whole slice of ham sometimes. I'm not willing to gamble...
Jessie is the same! She is 12 months old, and I have been working with her on this since day 1 of having her. We are finally, slowly getting...
7 months here. And it really hit a peak at 9 months. We are 12 months now and whilst still exhibiting adolescent behaviours, she is beginning to...
I had a bitey girl with 2 kids! My youngest was 4 when we got her. She is nearly a year old now and the biting stopped such a long time ago, that...
Excellent advice above! I was also a first time dog owner, thought I had researched loads and still found it a massive shock just how stressful...
We went for an early spay at 7 months. This was after the vet gave of pros and cons of both. For me I just wanted to rule out the risk of womb...