Family discussion! My daughter suggested Jessie because of a Disney Channel sit com character and she has a Jessie in her class. My little boy...
We have this issue BIG time! But it is getting better, using the above techniques. we are pretty much fine with anything up to across the road if...
Poor you. That must be such a worry. Maybe look on it that the puppy doesn't really don't need a walk at this stage and just take the kids out...
Your post made me laugh! I feel the same about training! I don't know if I have a solution. What is keeping me going is sheer stubborn refusal to...
It WILL be OK. I've wanted a dog for YEARS. I read all the books. Took great care to feel a labrador was the dog for us. Waited for the right...
That's great. Thanks guys! I'm getting baking this week. I am a dreadful baker of human food, so fingers crossed dog treats work out better for me!
Sounds like doggy heaven! Thank you!!
Yes, I've been following you too and think Jessie and Mole are cut from the same (bonkers) cloth! I really look forward to hearing how you get on....
Does anyone make homemade training treats? I am looking for something I could batch cook and store for use over the week. Something Jessie will...
Thank you so much for sharing this. I've been working so hard with Jessie and she is still a crazy baby! We've had a few days like the one you...
I'm really struggling with tone of voice at the moment. What seems to go in and work first time is a very assertive sounding command. But to me it...
Hi. That sounds brilliant! How did you find your trainer? We've been having puppy classes since March, but now need something else and I like the...
My puppy blues lasted such a long time. We have been thinking of getting a labrador for 7 years and I thought I was so prepared and...
Jessie was a big time poo eater/roller... But this has diminished now she is 10 months. I think a combination of growing up and our recall and...
This drives me insane too. grrrrr
Oh dear. SNOWY! Sorry to use your distress to make myself feel better, but this has cheered me no end! Jessie just threw herself into the...
She has such a lovely face!
Jessie was the most bonkers one at her puppy party and still goes insane if we go near the vets where it was held! It all sounds normal for a...
I have an insane 9 month old. Some fantastic advice above I shall definitely be working on myself. These are things I think are helping us..... I...
Taking the heads off flowers..... Yesterday I planted some pots with some nice winter pansies..... This morning she has kindly taken all the...