Thank you all for very kind words. They have really helped. I've always felt it was a marathon and not a sprint with her training! But at the end...
We are just back from 12 days away during which we left our 6 month old Jessie with my mother in law. She is an experienced dog owner of golden...
I think it just happens. We did the same thing with Jessie and she was very quickly trained. Jessie developed her own cue, which was to bark at...
Lie ins are sadly a thing of the past here as I have noisy children. But Jessie at 6 months happily sleeps to 7.30 when she goes to the loo and...
Hello We used a crate and took Jessie out during the day every 20 mins to start with and every 3 hours at night. Which was pretty full on, but...
I hope little Duncan is in the mend. Try not to worry about the toilet training Jessie had a horrible tummy bug at around 12 weeks old and was...
I have a very runny eyed rescue cat and I use homemade saline solution on her as even after antibiotics after a bad flare up she pretty much...
It is so worrying. Jessie had a horrible tummy upset a couple of weeks after we had her that the vet put down to her eating things she shouldn't!...
I second green lady's suggestion of ignoring any moaning when back in crate. Jessie was getting up at 5 for a while and genuinely needing a poo,...
I felt the same a few weeks back. I have 2 children, the house was in a shocking state and all I seemed to do was puppy sit! It has got much...
Welcome. I am first time puppy mum to Jessie. Our, now 20 week old, yellow Labrador. This forum is amazing for all the questions and stresses you...
Thanks again for all the advice. She is back to sleeping through. Hurray!!
Thank you for all the advice, I love the forum. She's on Symply puppy food and I have been feeding the lower end of the portion range. I had her...
I wonder if anyone can help? Jessie, our 20 week old puppy has started to need to get up in the night again for a poo. She has slept through...
No advice, just sympathy! I thought our kitchen stair gate would be there for a couple of weeks tops,we are now 11 weeks in and no sign of...
Oh dear, I can completely imagine it makes you sad. I really feel for you. It will get better. My little girl was really scared and she adores...
Hooray! I bet you never thought you would watch poo so closely!!
I think separation is also a good plan. My six year old was terrified to start with, so we just let them be together for very short periods with...
Jessie is also at her worse when they are playing. She forgot herself this morning and nipped. If it gets too mad we stop play dead. Today she had...
I am an inexperienced puppy owner of 20 week old Jessie. I have two small children aged 4 and 6. We had this problem for a while - so many tears!...