Ours started in a puppy playpen with food ball and that was the third day she was with us. Somewhere I read start as you expect to go on. I...
And thats a good thing! Ours has continued to do that no matter how tired after a walk its still time for a game of zoomies/chaseys in the back...
OUr puppy learnt sit and her name first up in those first couple of weeks - it will help put you ahead when you start training. As does learning...
When ours first went out (she was 18 weeks - last vaccinations at 16 weeks) we only went a short way up the path and back & gradually extended...
Ours was getting heavier every week and you'd see the growth spurt starting as her tail would look bigger then her legs would be leggier and then...
Id wait and ring the vet - often giving the system a break will calm it down if its been upset by something (off food).
Mousetraps - stops counter surfing very quickly. Ting is mousetraps when they go off are scary. Cheap little wooden ones that wont actually do...
The guy playing the guitar - he would have been scary if Finn had never seen or heard anything like that before. Its not you it something they...
It does take a long time our older dog was a nightmare to walk (think wrestling the 2yo 28kg dog to keep control well off the path when a dog,...
What I have done is to start with it was a single treat (piece of kibble or now its the liver pieces) every few paces where she was walking...
Um depends on the dog - females we have had including the puppy are more strong willed, smarter and quite happy to be independent. Males are more...
Why does no one use choke/check chains? Way better than a flat collar as you can 'check' as you would with a horse and the dogs should listen...
DO you have a window near that side of the house? Just that the sound would be there just muted if he could see and hear it but be inside when it...
Ah disregard google lumps on puppy searches are never helpful - never mentions insect/bug bite etc or basic treatment if it is an irritation or...
With the food - you could try and small bag and see how he goes. The best food for a dog is the food they do well on not what a computer says....
Baby gate or puppy play pen - easier than crate. And food rewards (or bribes) for going in. Yelping can work but then it wont, telling them no...
You havent 'ruined' not messing in the den. Ours went from whimpering to outright wailing in the crate and on checking she'd done the same BUT we...
What exercise does get if not running in the yard? Our puppy turned into a nightmare when she wasnt allowed to run or expend energy just after...
Kind of agree with you Chococheer - our puppy is 7 months now and while the couple of weeks around her desexing was a nightmare we are back to...
And keep reading this form - especially the 'it does get better' thread on the pinned posts. IN fact read that one from the start and it confirms...