Agree puppy play pen! Bigger than a crate - space to move around with toys, food toys etc and to crash out and contained so you can do stuff you...
OK - last resort = an action that could be end of dog (eg have seen it used on video by a professional to teach a dog to stay away from a deadly...
Ours did that for months during the day. And then chewed the non slip stuff from the base (tiul I sprayed it with no chew stuff). It was...
Agree leave it followed by come should be enough to have her return - thats what you should aim at with training. Shock collars should only be...
Our puppy worked out the mirror pretty much at the start of seeing it and in fact from the second she saw them in teh bathrooms she will look you...
Have you thought of getting a puppy play pen instead for when you need to corral her? A little bigger and with toys and food/food toy ours was...
There isnt much you can do about excitement leaking! OUr puppy has improved she is now 7 months and made it through a vet visit without leaking...
When excited and getting tired ours is now 7 months and she will WUF at us before it gets to a bark and trying to jump etc (she is learning). SHe...
If you are a bit worried it may happen again think about getting a long lead - eg a 21ft horse lunge lead and when doing recall practice have...
And remember its major surgery for them so there is also likely to be swelling internally too. Ours had a few accidents inside about 10 days...
Ours has white on her chest. The older dog has a little but it kinda blends in with his coat as he a lighter in colour than she is
We just used her dry food/kibble to start with as its a big adjustment for them and well i her mind food is food (though now some food has more...
When we got our now older dog he was a nightmare on the lead but when he was controllable enough to take him and our older one out I had her on...
Just been through that nightmare and know exactly what you mean. Ours ended up using the cone of shame as a weapon and a tool but she had...
Our puppy has only been out of the puppy play pen probably the last 3 or 4 weeks or so (so about 6 months) - before that you'd have to watch her...
Our dogs get around 30 mins on lead walks and its fine for them (it will extend out a little when I can take them both out together). We have...
Have you thought about going to obedience training? I started that as soon as I could (first the puppy preschool at the vet then the puppy inside...
OUrs loves to go gardening out there - eating twigs, plants, pulling out small plants (ie gardening). Its not the best idea but have tried to...
Good luck - and Im sure they inwardly laugh when they stay 'keep them quiet for a week'. Yeah right like thats going to happen!!! Anyway today...
Thanks - the lump is improving - on her back you can feel it but no longer when she is standing and you put your hand over the area as it was on...