We have learnt the more interested you are in something the puppy has the more value she places on it. Rocks/sticks etc from the yard - only...
Our puppy was picked up at 8 weeks and the first two days I came home at Lunch but it was clear by day 2 she was fine on her own so 3 day left her...
Here if you are out walking its generally considered that if you see an on lead dog and yours is offlead you should have yours under control. If...
6 months she knows sit, drop (doesnt like drop will do it but you have to be there and tell her to stay there or she pops rightback up) , heel,...
We have found in different stages different things working. Yelping worked for a while then it didn't, tasmanian devil - putting in puppy pen and...
Thanks - today it seemed to have improved - not quite as reactive when touched and its now just under an inch in length. Was able to keep her...
There seems so little information around but I do remember seeing something on the subject the other day but cannot find it now so thought I would...
You have basically described our household - 6yo adult male and 6 month old female. The puppy she will be the boss when she gets older - our male...
Id actually leave him be. Our dogs have always 'held it' - the first we got as a 2yo and she always held on til we got home until she was at...
I try to train my dogs to stand behind me (as in heel - prefer a bit behind) so the oncoming dog has to deal with me before approaching my dog and...