just to add that my wee lab had IOHC (both elbows), so can occur in labs too - she had preventative pins inserted(about 3 years ago now) and is...
just to add - the raw minces usually do have ground up bone in them - they are supposed to be 'balanced' - the disadvantage of the minces is that...
The people at the hydrotherapy pool I took her too for a while, reminded me to feed her according to what her target weight was, not her current...
I think the only time to be careful is perhaps when they are teething - use something soft or stop if they show any signs of discomfort
I've done a few of them (all at bronze - silver/gold too expensive) - you get lectures and videos each week and then you can watch the gold...
I should have done the weight watcher before and after videos - if people could just see the difference. Mind changing from being a solo dog with...
I inherited my friends lab about a year ago - at her heaviest she was 40.9 Kg - she's now about 27Kg - I love to see her run now - she's now into...
I pre-empt, so she's nibbling on a treat and doesn't even realise what we are going passed - its not training, just short term management.
I guess ideally you would practise walking at heel passed one boring stationary dog and progress gradually to a moving dog and then several dogs -...
my chocolate girl nibbles up my big boy's poo as it emerges(!) before it even fully leaves his bum to hit the ground - I think that must be a yes
I started with a clicker heel and even though I tried to always click for looking forward I do get quite a bit of look up at me - but I've put...
I also start really close up to my dog to begin with - if they know spin and twist (or whatever you call them) you could perhaps do some first in...
I meant one lead with a coupler on the end - I found it easier to manage - leads didn't get twisted and the dogs soon learnt that it was much...
Have you tried walking with them on a brace on one side? my older two walk really well together on one - one forges slightly - one lags slightly -...
and just as you get there it starts raining - and I don't know how waterproof it is (anyone used treat n train in the rain ?)
what about a lightweight pop up soft crate eg dog bag - what would they be like resting in that?
Yes - my second pup was like this - put her down and she legged it across the garden heading for the forest - but she has a cracking good recall...
Yes - another one with the same problem - I've always used a harness with my puppy and she seemed OK to begin with but gradually dislikes it more...
sounds like a really good start! - lots of practise with the mat and associate a signal/word like you said. When you want to fade the mat - you...
Yes - I have a "come forward hunting" cue for when dog has overshot - hand starts up (as for stop whistle) and comes down on a diagonal towards...