I don't do this but I read in one of the gundog club guides that the idea is to help condition the dog to associate the sound of the whistle with...
yup - puppy, 4 year old and 2 seven year olds all still get treats/ball for recall - and still sometimes really really yummy ones
I don't usually use a whistle recall for a retrieve but I do use it when I practise lining drills to a food bowl - bit like the ping pong game -...
Is there any way of getting Charlie to calm himself down as a condition of a retrieve being thrown? - with my little hot-head we realised that if...
I love doing memory retrieves - leave a ball on the path and then run with your dog further along the path - turn and send (can do this with...
When the water is over my wellies at the front gate (which it currently is (East Devon) we don't go out - fortunately we have a bit of wood behind...
I use it for good steadiness training - bang/dummy thrown - and ask for a spin at my side or a down or even a backward circle round me - anything...
following this with interest since I have a perfect fit harness too but have only ever used the back ring. I got the front ring since it was an...
Steffis - you can progress the hand touch to touch a postit sticker / or a bit of duck tape (in your hand to start with, but then move it places...
going back to using the anticipation - I was wondering if you could train hunt (in your handy bunkers !) for x mins followed always by a recall...
"fixing a concept"? - I remember with my latest puppy, she learnt "sit" and "down" OK kindof on cue but it was only when she learnt "bravo" a bow...
could you use it to set up a "hunt - recall/retrieve" pattern ie every hunt is followed by a recall or retrieve or would Charlie need it to be...
Yes - I used the clicker heel method too - really good for puppies in the garden - no lead pulling - making the most of their follow instinct
Oh been there too with the anxious poo monitoring !
hope all goes well on Wed - two of my dogs in the past have needed major surgery and the main thing I found at this stage was just to take one day...
I must have been lucky - Jaffa has one of those star things each evening from 8 weeks until now (7 months) - still going strong, but I don't leave...
I should add her cue is normally "on your bed" but I said "enough" followed by "on your bed" so many times that "enough" became the cue for bed...
puppy (6 months) and 3 adult Labradors and puppy manages to annoy them all !! - I use a little raised bed - we have a game so that when I say...
ramp is good - I hang mine on the outside of the double crate, between the crate and the van doors - so I can open van - use one hand to unhook...
I have had this in miniature (Jaffa - 6 months) - usually towards the end of eg a class where she has had to do a lot of self control in order not...