Oh @JenBainbridge just read all this - poor Stanley and poor you. What a horrible thing to happen. I hate the way our Labs eat things out on their...
I think you are expecting too much too soon. You say he is only 9 weeks so he is a mere baby. The interactions between him and your older dog need...
Oh that’s good he’s better.
Today I ate pork crackling. Daddy Hooman gave me and Red some off the pork joint - yum. Sky
I’m not surprised. Hope it’s not as strong as forecast. Keep safe.
At the moment I am faced with two very wet muddy dogs every day. I have got cleaning and drying down to a fine art. Microfibre towel gets the...
Yes let’s hope so and a little bit of preparation on my behalf won’t be wasted.
If I say ‘middle’, Red immediately does it and sits - didn’t train the sit, she just automatically did it. That’s fine as if I then say ‘stay’,...
Happy a Birthday Casper :cake:
Red did this last year when she was a young puppy. @Boogie gave me some very good advice - to just stand and let the world go by and then praise...
@Plum's mum that is so kind - yes please. I will PM you.
Unfortunately Red has her breakfast first thing. We have had to not give Sky her breakfast twice - when she had her spay and when she had her x...
Seeing @Boogie’s post about Kier and his big boy operation - is there anything I can be doing in preparation for Red’s big girl operation at the...
Thank you @Boogie. Yes think I’ll buy a collar and start preparing her slowly - will start another thread about this.
I live in a village so it’s the ‘norm’ to greet. Most people reply but some don’t - their problem.
Seeing Keir in his collar has set me wondering if I should do anything before Red’s spay at the end of April.
Is Cassie all okay now after her spay? I’m sorry you have felt guilty and emotional about all of this but I just think you have been a responsible...
I spent lots of time in my garden last year with my puppy just rewarding for staying to heel (without a lead) - just a few minutes every day over...