Hi, I wasn’t sure where to post?! My lab Doti is 9 months now and has really come along at home and altered loads. She used to be unsure of men or...
Hi, I know this was posted a while ago but we’re in this situation now. She’s 20 weeks and picks and chooses who she wants to say hello to/ ignore...
Hi, my 20 week old pup has started barking/ growling at visitors. We’ve been doing the bathroom. She met the plumber and was great but when the...
She’s doing it not long after we start the walk. Stopping, sitting down and won’t come and then will jump and bite/pull clothes. If I turn to go...
Thank you. I’ve been working on taking it at her pace. We met a neighbour (he has a Labrador but it want with him) Doti growled and I explained to...
I’m also sorry, I know I’ve written a lot it’s just that it’s all new to me and as she’s the family pet I just want to get it rite and make sure...
Thank you. Yeah she’s loads better on a walk when it’s just the two of us, loose lead and she sits on request etc. I’ll do more walking on my own....
Thank you for your message. I have been separating them indoors and them too giving her space. It’s little things like we’ll be walking and she’ll...
Thank you. Yes after the morning rush she is calmer and she gets to roam more and they do tend to leave her be. It’s more my middle child (6) and...
Thank you. The reason she goes in her pen is because when she’s out (especially in the morning) she runs and jumps at the children or tries to...
We’re generally up at 6:30, out to toilet but of time outside. Some training (sit, place etc) she then goes in her playpen whilst we get ready...
I wanted to add, she did growl at my son today too. I went to brush my teeth so she was in her pen. He has starting at her, holding her gaze and...
Hi, thank you for your reply. She’s 16 weeks now and we are seeing improvement with the walks. We’re keeping them to around 20 minutes. She is...
Thank you again! I’ve cut the walks down and over the past few days I’ve noticed a change. If she does try to jump/bite it’s mainly now at the...
Thank you. It’s more towards the end of a walk she will probably be overstimulated or tired and then she will turn and bite (my legs) or will jump...
Hi, thank you for the reply. They are 7, 6 and 4. They are great and I’ve taught them to ‘freeze’ if she pulls their clothes so that it doesn’t...
Hi, I have a 12 week old puppy. She will sometimes bite when being stroked and we stop give her a minute then try again(re enforcing good...