[MEDIA] This :D:D:D
I have not been in every puddle on my walk. Nope I have not.. :devil: [ATTACH]
At Christmas we went to the pet store and discussed the most indestructible toys they had. We were recommended a Kong toy that had a rope inside -...
Happy birthday, lovely Tatze x
Stanley’s decided he is now a gin fan. Trying to snaffle our Palma violet gin :cwl: [MEDIA]
I’m always too panicked to not give flea and tick treatment because I’d absolutely die if he got either. We vaccinate but we have to for his dog...
Stanleys Just licked my toasted tea cake. Rotter :rolleyes:
I just LOL’d at this. My best friend has a little girl who’s about 18 months old. And we were chatting and she said all I watch is peppa pig.. I...
This is the BEST! Conchita looks so happy to be part of the Beanwood gang :inlove:
We used to pop Stanley in his crate :) Now we make him just sit in his bed while we eat. Sometimes though.. I just can’t resist the face...
Today has been RUBBISH! Mummy and daddy have been busy doing "jobs". Well jobs don't involve Stanley and I've been sat giving them the sad eyes to...
I got the norovirus a few weeks ago and lost 8lb. Best diet I've ever been on, I'd highly recommend it :D
I'm currently training myself with positive reinforcement. Every time I finish a cleaning task I treat myself with a biscuit.. Clean the...
I think the Queen would really like the Pig, they could bond!
Hope the lovely girl is feeling better soon x
I found a deaded bunny once and picked it up. Mummy screamed so much I thought she was dying so I dropped it and checked she was ok and she...
She's so gorgeous :inlove: Happy Gotcha Day Piggy! So glad you found the family you deserve! Make them pay for it being late :devil:
Sending lots of love to you and Moo x
I used to cry all the time and actually be pleased to be at work because I didn't have to deal with him! OH fell for him hook, line and sinker...
I was just going to say: Fiona, it's a breadbun :D