Glad to hear lovely Axel is feeling much better. How scary for you all x
Fingers crossed everything is ok with Axel xx
I don't think this makes much difference. My dog is working line & hes ridiculously confident and over the top. Just a big ball of love really....
What a worry @Emily I hope Nathan's feeling better soon, I'm sure Ella won't mind. She's such a good big sister she'll just be worried about her...
He gets into the tiniest little balls :heart: [ATTACH]
Well is he out walking? He'll meet other dogs out & about then. Socialising is really just getting them used to the world around then - noises,...
Why does him being part chow concern you? Any dog that is thoroughly socialised should be completely fine. From his picture he doesn't look...
Poor baby! Hope he's feeling better soon x
I really really don't understand. Out of all Labradors especially I've always been drawn to black ones. I love how shiny they are. I guess...
It was the pics of the pig in her new collar that got me ( :inlove: ) When I saw them I was like hmmm that looks quite similar to Stanley, then...
He's so lovely. I'd snap him up :inlove:
It will probs be a waste of money and come back full lab :rolleyes: I just asked my friend what she thinks.. her response: [ATTACH]
I think if he is a mix it's very slight. Probably not even a quarter. It was on the pics of her new collar, she looked like the pics of Stanley in...
I'm thinking of getting Stanley a DNA test, just out of curiosity. I'd never really considered it before, but the more I see photos of the Pig I...
That face :cwl::facepalm: [MEDIA]
We got Stanley a hard plastic bed afternoon he chewed 4 or 5 beds. It only cost about £10. He got some blankets in it which he flung around the...
My OH's parents rescue cats. They always hide for the first week or so and they just leave them to it. After that they get more confident and...
I think I would definitely respond better with a dog in the room. It would put me at ease. Especially one as beautiful as Harley. She's such a...
And he just informed me that I've left the oven on :rolleyes:
@snowbunny im very impressed. Lamb rogan josh is my ultimate fave! I always find new reasons not to let OH on this forum. He actually thinks I'm...