13 people :eek: 11 dishes o_O When I do curry night it's me & OH. An Aldi curry jar, microwaveable pilau and some token poppadoms :D
I just don't think there would be another Stanley. He has won my heart in a way I never thought possible and he deserves more than a clone that...
I got Stanley at 9 weeks and he was still the devil in disguise. Full blown crocodor and drove me round the bend :D
My dog was neutered at 1 for daycare purposes. He was really humpy prior to this, couldn't see another dog without mounting them. As soon as he...
I think it does very much depend on your pup though. When I got my dog every said I had to leave him to cry. Naive puppy owner so I though.. ok....
I need one of those puppies. They're going to be amazing :inlove:
Mummy has finally discovered the joys of MUD! We were on our morning walk and all I heard was SPLAT! Next thing mummy was sat in all the mud...
I've been bitten by more kids than I have dogs. A kid at school once bit me so hard they drew blood. :mad:
They're the new fad aren't they. Labradors will take back their rightful place soon once the trend dies down, they're the ultimate dog. :)
I liked the pointer better..
I like that Scottie Dog. I don't think I've ever seen one in real life :D
I can't believe there's no Labradors in best of show :(
Good luck Bear! What a lovely thing the Beanwood Gang have done x
If Stanleys doing something (such as counter surfing) he shouldn't I say "excuse me" and turns to me straight away. Then I can tell him to get...
Does anyone else's dog know the way to certain places? If I say we're going to see Nanna.. Stanley knows we're going to my mum and dads and he...
Stanleys bumhole changes when he needs a poo. It sort of puckers up and that's how I know he needs to go. The things that get discussed on this...
We haven't had to do it with Stanley. He did the same as your last lab, he squats in the garden and cocks his leg on his walk. It seems as though...
Sending you and Moo lots of love & good thoughts x
Stanley does it to me and OH on our foreheads. So he must think we have nits :D