Checked the food and it's fine. Thank you
He's fine in himself still playing fetch and find with the kids. It's a fresh bag of food may try speaking it over the floor. Thank you
Over the last day or so Bagheera hasn't really eaten much at all. He gets excited for breakfast and dinner but when I put it down he sniffs it and...
Yes have tried the treat thing and he just doesn't seem to like her. He barks whenever someone comes in but settles with in minutes but this...
Thank you I'm gonna try anything.
He's 8 months now. Couple of hours max but this is the 1st time he has done this. Apart from having some trouble with walking him we've been...
We have newly decorated and it's in our living room so can't hide it sadly. Is the bitter spray called that or something different?
Just thought it was a Bit strange after a few weeks of behaving so well he suddenly he starts. Confused me that's all. Will try some more toys...
Bagheera has been so good and well behaved. We have just started to De crate him and we have had no problems being left out during the day or...
Hi all, Bagheera has been really getting better meeting new ppl he isn't so nervous now. He barks when anyone comes into our garden, he's just...
I have also been looking a julias k9 but like you said it doesn't have a front clip
No bit will go and have a look. Thank you
Going to look online at the harness and double lead. Thank you
Thank you have been looking at the book. Defiantly something I will invest in. As for head collars and a harness is there a harness you would...
The head collar question was just what in added at the end nothing to do with recall. Maybe I should of done a separate post about it.
Nothing to do with recall just a question. I was told my puppy trainer about a head collar as he's so strong. I can't walk him with out it. The...
I've seen a couple ppl post about recall. Bagheera just isn't interested in coming back unless it's just us. We take him to a field and he's great...
No worry as we don't have a cat
My puppy had this just after Christmas and the vet gave him a probioitc and changed him to chicken and rice after a couple of days he was back to...
During the day his been brilliant hasn't chewed anything other then his toys. He takes himself off to bed about 11. Once his in his crate he don't...