We have started to De crate our puppy, he is nearly 8 months old. We do it a few hours during the day but not sure how he would cope with all...
Didn't think of a long line. Will defiantly try that thank you
Thank you
They are 7months now. Mine has had a few grazes but his black so can't always see blood. They had puppy classes together. We are hoping that once...
Me and my friend have brothers and when we go for walks in lead they are fine but when they off lead all the do is fight it sounds nasty and mine...
I didn't think of something like this thank you.
Is it possible to have a nice garden & a Lab? At the moment no we can't as he has dug up holes along the fence line into neighbours garden's but...
Lovely thank you. Will take a look
Hi I'm thinking of changing Bagheera's food any idea on what puppy food please?
I have got some grain and have started making kefir for Bagheera he seems to really like it & is doing much better. Thank you
No I cook it as I need it & never reheat it.
Chicken seems to have helped him loads I slowly started adding his food back in and he seems much much better now. Thank you
Thank you. He's been on the same food since he's been with us the vet couldn't find anything at all. Think he's just gonna be sensitive to any...
His had all meds just a few weeks ago. I think he may have eaten something he shouldn't bit will call the vets tomorrow jist to be in the safe side. X
Hey thank you for your advice. I will call the vets in the morning and see what that suggest. Will pop to shop and get some more chicken
Can I ask you what food you give your pup please?
Hi us again, Bagheera has diarrhoea again but there's no blood this time. He's on chicken and rice but got up this morning and he had had an...
Got bagheeras results back he has parasites in his intestines from other dog poo & or drinking puddles. He has made massive improvements and is...
We went back to the vets today. They have sent the poo sample off and should get results back in a few days time. As for Bagheera he is eating...