Yes they are lol. Wouldn't change him for the world tho.
Bagheera goes out at about 8ish for.his last wee/poo and then goes to bed about 11 I was letting him out just before bed but he didn't want to go...
It was bright red. But not as bad this morning. He's on antibiotics for 10 days and is due to go back to the vets Monday
He's due his work and flea treatment in a couple of weeks so don't think it's that. Thank you tho x
Hi all, we had to go back to the vets yesterday as the was pooing just blood. They gave him antibiotics & I need to collect 3 poo samples over the...
We went for a nobby brand in the end the man in the shop highly recommended it. He still pulls but he is learning & I'm sure he will get there....
We are using harness and everytime he pulls I stop and say heal. I wouldn't use choke/shock collars.
We have done puppy class. Over the last couple of days when we have our walk when he pulls I just stop and say heal. It's a working progress lol...
Hi just got back from vets. She said as he's fine in himself see how he is tomorrow lunch time but has advised chicken and rice little and often...
Thank you. He is drinking normally and eating his food ad well
While we was on out walking today I noticed Bagheera had really watery poo as I was cleaning it up I see it had blood in it. He is eating and...
Can anyone advise me on the best harness to stop pulling my arms & back are really hurting from being pulled.
My pup has lost his 2 baby teeth ones babe through but one of them is wobbly is this normal?
Thank you.
Hey my puppy Bagheera eats his food so fast he gets the hiccups. Any suggestion on toys that can slow his feeding down. Thank you
He has chicken and rice from the vets
Oh that sounds exactly the same As Bagheera. He seems to sleep loads but guess it's just normal. Thank you x
My puppy is mouthing I know this is normal but he just jumped up and mouthed my daughter, he caught her on the face. No blood or marks but what...
He has chicken & rice from the vets.
He's 12 weeks now. Thank you he's a lovely boy. He has been a sleep since about 6 this evening but will sleep all night as well. He won't even...